Normally, May is kind a unique month in the Coachella Valley in that the temperature outside is warm, but not unreasonable, and the snow birds have cleared out a bit – giving locals a chance to enjoy themselves a bit before those dreaded, scorching hot June, July, and August days are here. Not this year.
Palm Springs 3-Day Forecast!
A weak on-shore flow will bring a little relief to the record setting heat the Southwest experienced yesterday. Coachella Valley highs will be running ~10-degrees above average today, ~15-degrees above the mark Wednesday.@KESQ— Jerry Steffen™ KESQ (@JerrySteffen) May 7, 2018
And good luck trying to escape the heat as it’s everywhere – with even Idyllwild breaking a record on Sunday.
Record High Temperatures Yesterday!
There were a handful of new record high temps set in the Southwest yesterday. Thermal — where normal highs this time of year are in the low-90s — instead experienced weather more typical of late-July.@KESQ— Jerry Steffen™ KESQ (@JerrySteffen) May 7, 2018
Yeah, yeah. I know. 82 sounds great compared to 110 – but, it’s still pretty hot for the mountain city.
High temps are slated to be 10 to 15 degrees above normal this week and looking at the 10-day forecast, there may some relief in sight as Saturday is salted to have a high of only 94 degrees.