Home Entertainment YouTube Video: guy sings to get out of traffic ticket in clearly staged Facebook video

Video: guy sings to get out of traffic ticket in clearly staged Facebook video

Video: guy sings to get out of traffic ticket in clearly staged Facebook video


A man in Florida claims to have used the power of song to get out of a a traffic ticket.

T.J. Bristol, a gospel singer, posted the above video of him singing “You are so Beautiful” on Sunday after being pulled over in the Orlando area.

The video’s authenticity is a bit questionable for so many reasons including: the whole thing is shot on a selfie stick, moves along at a pace that is way too fast at a traffic stop, seems way too staged and scripted (glad everyone is standing in the right place to be seen), and The Orange County Sheriff’s Office posted the video on its own Facebook page calling the event, “A high note for two deputies” because Facebook shares!


Bristol posted to, “Always remember click it or ticket,” – a good message since next time you get pulled over, it probably won’t be for a staged social media video.