Perhaps you have heard of Jasmine Tridevil, the 21-year-old Tampa woman (it is always Florida huh?) who claims to have had a third breast implanted (surgeons can legally do that?). Jasmine (a Total Recall fan?) became an internet sensation this week, her video on YouTube has almost a million hits and her pictures on Facebook have gone global. She was interviewed by 10 News in a weird piece of TV news.
“I figured people would be skeptical, but it’s true. I recorded the surgery and it will be on my show,” said Tridevil.
Yes, she thinks this is going to get her a reality show – which really after the first episode, why would anyone need to keep watching?
10 News points out that she agreed to the interview on the condition they only discuss her self-produced (yes, “self produced” so it should be terrible) reality show.
The reporter did ask do see them three titties (he was actually a lot nicer than that) and Jasmine obliged – if only in a quick flash.