Home Local Palm Springs 10 sickened from heat during scorching hot PDHS graduation ceremony

10 sickened from heat during scorching hot PDHS graduation ceremony

10 sickened from heat during scorching hot PDHS graduation ceremony
10 people fell ill during the extremely hot Palm Desert graduation ceremony

The class of 2016 graduated from Palm Desert High School on Saturday morning – but not before at least 10 people fell ill from the blistering hot temperatures.

The ceremony – which was outdoors for some reason – started at at 7:45 a.m. with temps already in the high 80s and it quickly got much, much hotter – with temps pushing the triple digits by 9 a.m.


Ten people, none students, were evaluated by the Riverside County Fire Department for heat related symptoms, according to the Desert Sun. Eight were treated on site, with the other two being taken to a hospital for “minor issues.”

PDHS Graduation

“Who would have guessed it would be that hot?” Desert Sands Unified School District spokeswoman Mary Perry told the newspaper.

Ummmm, anyone with a weather app on their cell phone?