Hey Santa (and I mean real Santa, not whatever the hell this is)! Here is a wish list of 10 simple items that The Coachella Valley would love to find under our tree this Christmas morning:
- Water – Well, we keep hearing El Niño is going to be huge. Let’s hope so – as we could really, really use some H2O.
- People to Stop Stealing Christmas Decorations – Enough is enough. Stop it already, jerks!
- Dunkin’ Donuts – Didn’t they announce they were opening up 8 of them over a year ago? How long does it take to make some Munchkins?
- An Alternative Rock Radio Station – The Coachella Valley has something like 9 country radio stations now, along with a bunch of talk shows piped in from out of town, 4 stations devoted to yelling about sports, and a channel that plays “Jingle Bells” in July. Seems like there would be room for at least one that plays Sublime every once in a while.
- An FBI Announcement – Hey, remember when the feds shut down and raided Palm Springs City Hall #PouGhazi? Did they happen to find anything?
- Snowbird-Free Shopping Hours at Costco – Just a couple hours for locals per week to get in and get out quickly is all we ask.
- Stop Dicking Around with CV Link – CV Link was a total clusterfuck in 2015 and that might even be putting it nicely. Stop the nonsense and release all of the details about the project. Then, everyone associated with the project needs to do their jobs and either make it happen or move on.
- Everyone in town to like Cactus Hugs on Facebook – Sorry for that blatant plug there, Santa (but seriously, we would really appreciate a Facebook like from you.
- Page and Plant to perform Coachella – A Led Zep reunion this April in Indio? The promoters have tried. Please make it happen, Big Guy.
- Palm Springs Buzz Shuttle Expanded to Other Cities – Free public transit for visitors and locals. It is easy, convenient, and helps keeps the streets safer by offering those who are under the influence an alternative to driving. It’s a rad service and every city should be doing it.
Thanks again Santa, we will just leave things unlocked for you – as most of us Desert Dwellers do not have a chimney for you to come down. We will see ourselves out.