Home Festivals Coachella 6 am is too early for Coachella

6 am is too early for Coachella

6 am is too early for Coachella

Dammit, Kanye.

Yeah, yeah. I know. Plenty of good, God-fearing people will wake before the sun comes up this Sunday to attend sunrise services at their local church and good for them and I hope they enjoy heaven.

As for me, I will also be up at the crack of dawn, but not because I am a good Christian – rather, I have tickets to Weekend Two and, really, what in the shit is this?

I am not sure what the camping area of Coachella will look like when doors open at 6 am on a Sunday morning, but I do have a guess:

What fun!!!

“But you don’t have to go,” you say. And, yes, that’s true and it may become even more true when my alarm goes off at 5 am this Sunday and my inner voice convinces me that my bed loves me much more than Kanye ever will. We will see.

But for now, I am in *shudder*.

Just please, don’t ever do this shit again, Coachella.