Home Local Joshua Tree A**hole “Artist” Defaces Joshua Tree National Park

A**hole “Artist” Defaces Joshua Tree National Park


Joshua Tree National Park is one of the most beautiful, unique, and amazing places on earth…provided that certain people can refrain themselves from screwing it all up.

One such person is street artist “Mr. André” (real name André Saraiva), who posted this photo to his Instagram account on Wednesday showing a boulder inside the park tagged with the ‘eyes’ of his trademark “Mr A” stick figure character.

Is @baronandre tagging inside @joshuatreenps? #Repost @baronandre with @repostapp.
#mrA rock !

A photo posted by Modern Hiker (@modernhiker) on

When Modern Hiker picked up on the photo, Mr. Andre made his Instagram private and claimed the boulder was not in the park. Readers of Modern Hiker have proven him wrong by finding the defaced rock near the Contact Mine.

“Mr. André” has previously posted similar photos defacing nature’s beauty with his stupid “art” such as this image from 2013:


As Modern Hiker points out, “Mr. André” is still denying that he defaced Joshua Tree:


Chief Ranger Jeff Ohlfs of Joshua Tree National Park spoke with Modern Hiker and claimed that “Mr. André” was “in (their) sights.”

(H/T LAist)