Earlier in my adult drinking life, a good night out meant throwing down as many Jack & Cokes as possible for under 20 bucks (okay, most of the time it was just “well whisky and Cokes”…to which, I may have just thrown up in my mouth a bit). But now, I am a few years older, and a good night out is not measured in quantity of booze, more in the quality of it – which is why I was beyond stoked to find this ridiculously good whisky drink in Palm Springs
The drink is called “Coffee and Cigarettes” and it is the brainchild of Chad Austin, the head bartender at Bootlegger Tiki.
When I saw it on the menu, I was at first unsure about it and had host of questions rattling around my head. Does this cocktail taste like Folgers and an ashtray? I happen to very much like the taste of whisky – especially a good one like Nikka – so, is all that other “stuff” in there going to screw up that whisky goodness? I happened be there during happy hour – so should I just go with the $5 “Sloppy Joe” instead of the $14 “Coffee and Cigarettes”? Finally, why was I making drinking, which should be a fun time, so stressful with all these dumb questions in my head?
Here it is how the drink appears on the menu:

Obviously, I went for it (hence this post) and I am soooooo glad I did.
This cocktail is damn near magical, well for me at least (you be sure to let me know what you think of it in the comments below).
It is definitely not the kind of bevarage you want to just throw down. This thing is a sipper. And, as you sip from your glass, you will notice the complex flavors that come about from the well designed drink’s ingredients.

I would love to go all Food Network’s “Best Thing I Ever Drank” on you here and explain exactly how the whisky, tobacco bitters, coffee liqueur, and those two other liqueurs all work together to create the perfect blend of awesomeness in your mouth – but, I have no idea how it all happens. I just know this drink works., it is rad, and it is worth every penny.
Now, it may not be for everyone. I know there are some out there that, unfortunately, just do not like whisky. And that is okay. It just leaves more for those of us who do. Should you happen to be one of those awesome individuals, I definitely recommend giving this piece of boozy heaven in a glass a try.
Bootlegger Tiki has a lot going for it: cool vibe and atmosphere, fun staff, and, best of all, unlike a lot of drinking establishments in Palm Springs, it is not usually completely overrun with miserable old people.
Here are a few shots from their Instagram to show you what I am talking about:
If you go, let me know what you think about Bootlegger Tiki’s “Coffee and Cigarettes” in the comments below. Cheers and I hope you enjoy.
Bootlegger Tiki is located at 1101 N Palm Canyon Drive in Palm Springs. They are open daily from 4 p.m. to 2 a.m.