Home Desert Life Palm Springs Palm Springs to keep ‘Forever Marilyn’ in a box for a while

Palm Springs to keep ‘Forever Marilyn’ in a box for a while


forever marilyn

“Forever Marilyn,” a 26-foot-tall Marilyn Monroe statue beloved by upskirt enthusiasts, will, at some point, be on display in downtown Palm Springs. Until then, officials plan to keep her in a box.

The city has a new park planned for downtown in front of the art museum – which is where the statue will eventually end up.

The 26-foot-tall statue will be installed “as soon as our new park is ready,” Aftab Dada, general manager for the Hilton Palm Springs, said to the Palm Springs Main Street group Tuesday, according to the Desert Sun. Dada is chair of PS Resorts, a cabal of hotel operators in the city, who secured the odd sponsorship deals to bring the statue to the city.

The park is supposed to be finished sometime next year. Until then, maybe they should just display the “Forever Marilyn” box in downtown.  Could lead to some interesting tourist photos…