Home Local Cathedral City Cathedral City Leaders Get Catty With Each Other on Facebook

Cathedral City Leaders Get Catty With Each Other on Facebook

Cathedral City Leaders Get Catty With Each Other on Facebook

Facebook, best known for pictures of food, selfies, constant game requests, and screwing with your emotions for “science”) took on odd turn in a Cathedral City Cove Neighborhood Group when Mayor Kathy DeRosa and Mayor Pro Tem Chuck Vasquez lost their shit, got pretty catty, had a heated and weird comment battle.

The Desert Sun logged the exchange:

“It started when members of a Cathedral City Cove’s neighborhood group started to discuss a June 22 Desert Sun story that showed council members in Coachella and Cathedral City have some of the highest meeting absentee rates in the desert.

Vasquez used it as an opportunity to criticize DeRosa for having more than one home.

“So she schedules herself in town for the meetings so that gives her the way to leverage her diminishing handful of supporters to point fingers at others,” Vasquez said.

When DeRosa fired back 21 minutes later, she referred to the community as “Cat City” — a term that some residents found offensive because it implied a seedy past.

“As in catty…pretty simple,” DeRosa later clarified. “How do we ever upgrade our wonderful city if we continue to be catty and b#=:$ slap constantly. (sic)”

Then things went off the rails:

The conversation only spiraled out of control from there, with Vasquez pointing out DeRosa’s political ties to the city’s late clerk, Pat Hammers, and DeRosa saying that Vasquez’s late partner was “spinning in his grave” to see that Vasquez had “lost all touch with reality.”

Vasquez’s longtime partner, James “Jim” Blake, lost a four-year battle to pancreatic cancer in 2010.”

And these are the people elected to lead the city!  So good luck with that Cat City, Cathedral City!

UPDATE: If you would like to read the heated exchange for yourself, don’t bother trying to find it as Art Gregoire commented on the article this morning:

“Since you did not request permission from our members to share their post we deleted the Thread so It is no longer available to TDS”

Great, is there anyone not acting catty on Facebook in Cat City, Cathedral City?