Home News Local CV Link Project Continues to Hilariously Stumble Along

CV Link Project Continues to Hilariously Stumble Along

CV Link Project Continues to Hilariously Stumble Along

CV Link

What do you get when you ask nine Coachella Valley cities and The Coachella Valley Association to work together to bring a $100 million bike path no one is really all that excited about to The Desert? You get chaos and hilarity.

The latest stumble for the project came Thursday when the entitled, old, white person communities of Indian Wells and Rancho Mirage informed CVAG that they just love CV Link, provided that it runs on the outskirts of their cities.

“The residents are OK with Ramon (Road). They can live with that,” Rancho Mirage Mayor Dana Hobart told The Desert Sun Thursday night.

This could pose a huge problem and increase costs for the already expensive path as it was intended to run along Highway 111 and the Whitewater Wash. But, in Indian Wells, there is a city owned golf course in the wash and their city council is not having the path on Highway 111.

“The City Council … at this point in time, does not believe that bifurcating our golf courses with the CV Link is in the best interest of the city of Indian Wells and the residents,” Indian Wells Councilman Ted Mertens told The Desert Sun (after looking up words in the dictionary? “Bifurcating”? Really?  BTW, it means “divide into two branches or forks”).

And on top of all of that, no one is really sure who the fuck is going to pay the millions of dollars for maintenance and security once the path is complete (well, if it ever is completed).

But, even with all the hilarious chaos, CVAG still think the project will be built on schedule beginning in 2017.

In the meantime, I (and I am sure many of you) get to see dumb sponsored Facebook posts like this one from a tax exempt 501(c)3 called Friends of CV Link:

Sabotage or an act of nature? Hmmmm! Is Rancho Mirage leadership willing to go to any lengths to prohibit cycling by…

Posted by Friends of CV Link on Thursday, September 17, 2015

What a great time to be alive.