Home Local Cathedral City Going to see Bernie in Cathedral City tomorrow? You might want to get there early.

Going to see Bernie in Cathedral City tomorrow? You might want to get there early.

Going to see Bernie in Cathedral City tomorrow?  You might want to get there early.
(Instagram / Facebook)

Bernie Sanders is holding a rally in Cathedral City on Wednesday morning. Are you planning to #FeelTheBern and attend his Big League Dreams event? Well, you might want to get there early.

This is what the line looked like in Riverside on Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. for an event that in which the doors open at noon:


That is seriously a long-ass line:

One hour until Bernie

A photo posted by cruzazul24 (@cruzazul24) on

Here was the line yesterday in Santa Monica:

Here was the line on Saturday to get into an event in Lado, New Mexico:

And as long as the line is, no one is getting special treatment. Not even this guy!

Now who knows, maybe no one in the Coachella Valley will show up and you can just stroll right in tomorrow morning…it’s is highly doubtful, but the desert is weird – so who knows.

To be safe, you should probably plan on getting there early if you want to watch from a good spot.

Details on the event are here.

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