Home Desert Life Should hiking trails be closed when temps are over 110 degrees?

Should hiking trails be closed when temps are over 110 degrees?

A hiker doing what hikers do, which is hiking.
A hiker doing what hikers do, which is hiking.

The city of Phoenix this week is considering a new rule that would close off hiking trails in its 40,000 acres of preserves whenever the temperature reaches over 110 degrees. Should the Coachella Valley – which, like Phoenix, also regularly has temperatures hotter than balls (technical term) – also consider such a regulation?

The Phoenix Parks and Recreation Board will vote on the change on Thursday, according to AZ Central. The rule, which would ban hikers when the temp is over 110 and dogs once it is over 100, would be almost impossible to enforce according to some against it. But others say rules like this are necessary as shutting down the trails could save lives – with six hikers having died around Arizona in one weekend alone this year.

Arizona, like here in the Coachella Valley, also does not charge hikers for being rescued from the trails – operations that can be quite costly.

Most would think that a rule like this would not be necessary as common sense would dictate that hiking in 123 degrees would be a dumb thing to do.  Unfortunately, not all people understand this.

What do you think?  Should the Coachella Valley close down trails when the temperature reaches 110?  Should we at least post a big, dumb warning sign?   Are you on the trails right now and starting to getting hot and thirsty?

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