Home Local Indio Indio is Taking This Nice Old Couple to Court Over Their Lawn

Indio is Taking This Nice Old Couple to Court Over Their Lawn


Indio Couple Lawn

The City of Indio is hard at work cracking down on their most hardened criminals: murderers thieves rapists drug dealers people with brown or overgrown lawns.

KMIR profiled Tranquilino and Lupe Alvarez, a seemingly nice Indio couple (whose names are pronounced amazingly by KMIR’s Kitty Alvarado) who are in hot water with the city over, of all things, their lawn.  The couple had planned to turn their yard into a desert landscape, but did not alert The City properly – so now they are being taken to court because their grass is not to code.

Watch the report below and feel good that Coachella Valley police departments are using their time and resources to keep our cities safe from grass that is, in the words of awful Tweeter Gino LaMont: unkempt.

KMIR News | Palm Springs, California