KMIR TV has been running a “Put it Away” public service campaign for almost a year now. The campaign simply asks drivers to “put away” their cell phones while driving – because it is dangerous. This was the launch of the campaign:
They do a great job of pointing out that all apps (including cameras) should never be used while driving, even while the car is stopped at a stoplight!
Apparently, the campaign only applies to sunny days though, as KMIR posted this today to their Facebook page:
The video on your blog depicting rain in Palm Desert is owned by OTA Broadcasting. OTA Broadcasting does not grant you permission to use this video. OTA Broadcasting is formally requesting you remove it immediately to remedy this violation of copyright.
The video you are requesting to be taken down was enabled with an embed function by your organization allowing it to be shared across the internet (legally), this also goes for The Facebook post that is embedded. As we here at Cactus Hugs are cool, we will take the video down this time – but in the future if OTA is embarrassed about something they have posted, the embed feature should not be enabled.