The Mayor of Palm Springs would like to see the city kick their current city manager, city attorney, and high-priced #PouGhazi legal council to the curb – something you would expect from a city that doled out a shit ton of cash to failing and nonexistent businesses and got raided by city hall.
Mayor Robert Moon made his comments at a city council meeting that went past midnight on Wednesday, but reposted them on Facebook. Moon states how hard he has been working, then gets to the point:
I have been in city hall at least five days a week, from six to 12 hours a day, since December 3rd. I have also met and talked with countless residents of Palm Springs in groups and one-on-one. Based on my experience and observation over the past four months I am making the following request.
Under my authority as mayor, I request that a special closed session meeting be scheduled at a convenient time and date for the full City Council to discuss and make decisions by majority vote on three human resources related issues:
1. Whether to continue our relationship with Mr. Pacheco.
2. Whether to bring in a new attorney from our current contracted law firm to fill the position of City Attorney.
3. Whether to take action to conduct an orderly transition to a new City Manager.
As KESQ notes, Moon added none of his proposals were intended to suggest any incompetence or malfeasance by any of the city’s senior staff.