Home Local Palm Springs Palm Springs still looking at ways to fuck up Indian Canyon

Palm Springs still looking at ways to fuck up Indian Canyon

Palm Springs still looking at ways to fuck up Indian Canyon

Indian Canyon Drive, a street that seems to be working just fine as it is, would be changed to a two-way street if some in the Palm Springs City Council has their way.

The council has been looking into do this for months now, considering three equally awful plans.  But now, according to KMIR, the plan being reviewed by the council would create a single southbound lane with two northbound lanes and a traffic median from Alejo Road to Ramon Road. There would still be some parking available on both sides of the street.

“I weave around. I go the back roads through old Las Palmas or Indian Canyon but I weave around. Or Gene Autry. I just do everything to stay away from downtown,” Palm Springs resident Wonnie Short said during Wednesday’s council meeting.

This is odd, since it seems waaaaaay more complicated than simply driving north on Indian Canyon and south on Palm Canyon, as it is set up now.  Oh, and by the way, changing Indian Canyon would cause traffic to move even slower in downtown, according to a study conducted by the city.

So why do they continued to push for change?  Councilman Geoff Kors stressed that it would help businesses on Indian Canyon.

“Making Indian Canyon two-ways, if we can do it with outside funding from the county and the state, it will provide pedestrian safety, driver safety and improve all those business on Indian Canyon, helping our economy and local business that need our help and deserve our support,” Kors said during the meeting.

Now, here’s a question: is it that the way the streets are currently configured that keep people away from businesses on Indian Canyon or are there just not many businesses on Indian Canyon that people are clamoring to go to?  Because the way Indian Canyon is set up now, it’s really not that hard for anyone to visit them.

Of course, Palm Springs being Palm Springs, it’s probably going to happen at some point and then it will actually make more sense to weave around, go the back roads through old Las Palmas or Indian Canyon but weave around. Or Gene Autry. Just do everything to stay away from downtown.