Home Desert Life Local Media What the hell is up with this local dentist’s Christmas commercial?

What the hell is up with this local dentist’s Christmas commercial?


December means wall-to-wall Christmas commercials on television, well that and sad Costco tress.  Most of the commercials are about shopping, which makes sense, but some involve other services – including an insane commercial for a Coachella Valley dentist.

The “plot” for the Desert Dental Alternatives spot is a simple one, Santa gets a crown from local dentist Bruno Lemay – who seems nice and all, but other than that, the whole thing makes no sense at all.

Take 30 seconds to watch, then let’s discuss below:


Okay, let’s just get the elephant in the room out of the way, since I know we are all thinking it: Santa already has a dentist!

That said, there are other questions – including: why is Santa hanging out in The Coachella Valley in December instead of the North Pole?

Santa Claus going to the dentist in Palm Springs

Also, and this is extremely important, why isn’t the 24th, the night Santa actually has to work, the date that is circled?

Santa's calendar

And I am no expert here, but shouldn’t the dentist have someone besides the elf who came in with Santa assisting with the procedure?

Elf working on Santa with dentist

Ummm, they made Santa pay?!? The dude brings you free presents every year and you are billing his PPO?

Santa paying dentist

Finally, I am pretty sure we saw Santa and the elf walk in…

Santa Walking into dentist

…but, then they drive away…

Santa driving away from densits

Are the saying Santa is stealing that ride?

I will say, and I think we can all agree, the tooth with the hat is a nice touch.

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