Home Desert Life So maybe don’t go hiking this weekend

So maybe don’t go hiking this weekend

So maybe don’t go hiking this weekend
<a href="http://pixabay.com/users/Hans/">Hans</a> / Pixabay

It’s that time of year again. Air conditioners are running all day, people outside are sweating like crazy, and all the parking spots in the shade are gone. Unfortunately, it’s also that time of year when we normally start seeing stories about people getting rescued from a hiking trail because they overheated because, well, it’s hot af outside.

Temps this weekend are going to hit at or above 105 degrees in the Coachella Valley – which is not ideal hiking weather for humans or any other mammal. So, here’s the thing: don’t do it.

“Oh, but I’m an experienced hiker,” you say. Sure, ok. That’s usually what everyone I see rescued tells the tv reporter in the hospital while everyone watching rolls their eyes.

Look, it sucks adjusting to summer in the Coachella Valley the same way those living in Alaska have to adjust to not hiking in January when it’s frigid and there’s 30 feet of snow on the ground. It’s just the way things go.

Maybe go to the gym or skip the cardio and have a margarita or go see Avengers: Infiniti War in a nice air conditioned movie theater instead.