Home Desert Life Local Media Local TV channel making the switch from news to giveaways, stunts, and pranks

Local TV channel making the switch from news to giveaways, stunts, and pranks

Local TV channel making the switch from news to giveaways, stunts, and pranks


KMIR News, in what can only be seen as a full blown effort to shift from a local TV news station to something more resembling a 1980s radio channel full of giveaways, remote broadcasts and hilarious pranks, has announced that they will now give you a gift card or full tank of gas in February because they are “doing good” – which is a thing that can be sponsored.  Coincidentally, February is also sweeps month.  Weird how that works.

In addition to the free schwag, KMIR is also asking you to take a video of yourself doing something good in The Coachella Valley for a chance to win a thousand dollars – perfect, because as the bible teaches:

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another – just be sure to only do nice things for thy neighbor if you can record it and post it online, as the local TV and a flooring company might give you some cash as part of a ratings stunt.

But enough about that, where is our free tank of gas, Ginger?