Okay, so right off the top, this post is not in any way intended to bring false hope that everything is going to quickly get back to normal. It’s not. I read a ton about the coronavirus pandemic everyday and, honestly, it’s going to get worse before it gets better. But, as I sit here at home for another night of quarantine, I can reflect about what I miss and what I dream of doing when I safely can again. I have listed 10 below and I would love to hear your lists in the comments.
Listed in no particular order.
1) Buy Every Health Care Worker and First Responder a Drink
I can’t thank these people enough for what they are doing right now and, one day, I want to buy each and every one of them a latte, beer, whiskey, absinthe, or whatever the hell they would like. Doctors, nurses, police, firefighters, paramedics – the list goes on and on. They have all earned a free drinks and so much more.
2) Sleep
Remember good sleep? I don’t.
3) Go to More Things, Buy Less Things
Who among us right now wouldn’t trade all of the things we have bought in the last six months for a chance to go to a concert, museum, event, party, festival or whatever it is you are into?
4) Buy Every Grocery Store Worker a Drink
It is sad that it took these times for most of us to realize how essential they all are and, no, don’t worry, I am not just going to buy them the cheap crap that’s on sale on Aisle 4.
5) Walk into Any Store and Easily Buy Toilet Paper
Oh, those were the days.
6) Have a Beer at the Idyllwild Brewpub

So this one is personal for me. I grew up in the mountains and just being in Idyllwild brings a lot of comfort to me. They also have a pretty rad brewpub and I didn’t realize how much I just enjoyed sitting on their deck sipping on an IPA after a hike in the mountains or a stroll through town until I couldn’t do that anymore.
7) Buy the Under-Appreciated People Still Working a Drink
So, I sadly don’t know about all of you. But, I do know about some of you. A personal example, my keyboard broke last week and, I am not sure if you know this, Apple stores and just about everyone else capable of repairing these kinds of things are closed right now. Since I have found that being able to type the letter “T” is integral to most computing, I needed a solution. I found iCreative in Palm Desert and those amazing humans fixed my crap and now I can continue to blog and do my thing for local businesses and try to contribute during the pandemic the best I can. This is one example, there are many, many more of you out there keeping society moving as best it can while putting your health on the line and I want you to know that you are very much appreciated.
8) Watch a Live Sporting Event
I miss sports so much. I would honestly pay to attend a live curling match at this point.
9) Be More Civic-Minded
It’s times like this when you see the people and groups who help, lead, and do good for the community at a time when it needs it most…and not just when it means their name in the society pages of Palm Springs Life. For me, I want to personally do more for those people and agencies in the Coachella Valley who have stepped up and helped over the last month. When things got hard, they got going, and I want to give them my support any way I can.
10) Have a Cactus Hugs Get-Together
I can’t believe we never organized a meetup and I am sorry. We should do that. You are the best and the messages, donations, and emails (well, most of them anyway) have really helped me get through this and just know that I am very much appreciative of them. Also, just FYI, I will probably be drinking water since I think I am going to be broke from all the free drinks I will be gladly buying those mentioned above.
Anyhoo, those are my 10 things. What are yours?