Home Weather 148 Degree High Temps Coming to Desert Hot Springs This Week, According to Online Forecast

148 Degree High Temps Coming to Desert Hot Springs This Week, According to Online Forecast


It is the time of year when temperatures start to really warm up in The Coachella Valley. If one online forecast turns out to be accurate, temperatures will be so hot that we should all flee town immediately!

Cactus Hugs reader Holly sent in a screengrab of the forecast for this week in Desert Hot Springs from localweather.com:

Desert Hot Springs Forecast 148 degrees

Friday and Sunday’s surprising forecast: 148 degrees!

Desert Hot Springs Forecast 148 degrees

While the 148 degree forecast does take the sting off of a more believable (but not at all pleasant) forecast of 93-95 degrees (which, by the way, really Mother Nature? Already??) – it does not seem all that accurate (maybe the product of someone forecasting from their garage?)

The error has since been fixed – but hey, if the Snow Birds were to actually believe it…it may clear out Costco a little bit.

And that certainly would not suck.