Home Local Twentynine Palms 29 Palms has figured out that tourists have only heard of Joshua Tree

29 Palms has figured out that tourists have only heard of Joshua Tree

29 Palms has figured out that tourists have only heard of Joshua Tree
Twentynine Palms
Twentynine Palms

Twentynine Palms approved spending $40,000 on a program aimed at bringing tourism to the city on Monday night. Of course, seeing as how Joshua Tree is a separate community that lies next door to Twentynine Palms, some questioned the reasoning behind it.

Via Z107.7:

If the purpose is to help Twentynine Palms, some council members wanted to know, why the heck is it called Joshua Tree? The answer, according to the program’s promoters: because those are the two most famous words around.

Yes.  As it turns out, tourists are probably not familiar with every single city in the high desert, but have more than likely have heard of Joshua Tree – as a U2 album and a weird episode of Entourage will do that for a community.  And now, when people look to visit and see Joshua Tree, they will see options to stay, eat, and shop next door  in Twentynine Palms – which seems like the whole point of spending money on a marketing campaign.