Home Local Palm Desert 3 Dumb Arguments Against Palm Desert’s Plastic Bag Ban

3 Dumb Arguments Against Palm Desert’s Plastic Bag Ban



Beginning today, if you shop for groceries in Palm Desert, you won’t be taking them home in plastic bags.

The new ordinance affects all grocery and retail stores in the city with annual sales of $2 million. Instead of a plastic bag, you are asked to bring your own reusable bag or buy a paper bag for 10 cents. Sounds simple enough right? Nope. This leads us to dumb thing number one:

This quote from some Ohio idiot to KESQ:

“That’s absolutely insane, back home we use plastic bags every where we go, I wouldn’t know what to do without them,” said Alan Setter who is visiting Palm Desert from Ohio.

First, is this insane? No. Plenty of cities are doing it. And do not tell Californians about crazy laws Mr. Ohio, your dumb state has a law against getting a fish drunk and has a city that bans selling Corn Flakes on Sunday.  So shut up and go home already.

Dumb thing number two is a quote from the same, weird and dumb, KESQ story:

“It’s greed is what it is, they want to charge that extra ten cents, can you imagine that extra ten cents for every bag that Walmart sells, how much money they are making off of that?” Said Ronnie Gasaway of Palm Desert.

Sure Ronnie, the grocery stores could make a little bit of cash from sales of bags but, unlike the terrible wages Walmart pays employees, shoppers have a say in it.  If you do not want to give Walmart 10 cents a bag, just bring your own f**king bags!  Problem solved.

Finally, there is this…

Ahh yes, the cat litter argument.  What will you do with all of that cat poop!?!?  Oh, I do not know…how about just grabbing something like this from Amazon…

Look, I do not like paying 10 cents a bag any more than I like paying CRV fees on a 6-pack of beer – but, do you know what I hate more?  Seeing this happen…

bag in tree