Home Festivals Coachella 49 more busted at Coachella Weekend two for unlawful use of a disabled person placard

49 more busted at Coachella Weekend two for unlawful use of a disabled person placard

49 more busted at Coachella Weekend two for unlawful use of a disabled person placard

Just a week after 42 people were busted at Coachella Weekend One if the Coachella music fest for unlawful use of a disabled person placard, another 49 were cited at Weekend Two, according to the Indio Police Department. Perhaps, at some point, people will start to park where they are supposed to and leave those spots for those who need it.

In addition to the parking violators, there were also 98 arrests at Coachella Weekend Two – with the majority being for drug and alcohol intoxication.  And while 98 people over three days might seem like a very small number for a fest that sees more than 100,000 people attend everyday with many of those camping at the site, KESQ deemed it worth enough to create this terrifying graphic:

Coachella Crime

Coachella Crime

Coachella Crime

Coachella Crime!!!

Be terrified, elderly tv viewers.