Home News 76-year-old swims from Alcatraz to San Francisco in under an hour

76-year-old swims from Alcatraz to San Francisco in under an hour

76-year-old swims from Alcatraz to San Francisco in under an hour

A 76-year-old man made the swim from Alcatraz to mainland San Francisco 12 years ago in under an hour this past weekend. Oh, he also did it in the coldass Bay Area water without a swimsuit. And here I felt good about going for an extra three minutes of cardio at the gym this morning.

The LA Times reports on Jim Zinger, the chief executive of a Burbank hypnotherapy business, who swam from the historic jail to just east of the Golden Gate Bridge in about 54 minutes on Saturday. The time beat was an hour faster than the last time he made the swim 12 years ago. So yeah, he has done this twice now and did it way faster in his 70s and, man, I need to workout more.

The water was only 52 degrees, but Zinger didn’t wear a wetsuit saying that uses self-hypnosis to endure pain and has had multiple oral and facial surgeries with no anesthetic because of course.

Zinger told the Times that he wouldn’t hesitate to do so again and here’s guessing he does it naked in 40 degree water when he’s 96.