Home Food Local Drink 8 items to help you sneak booze into a concert or music festival

8 items to help you sneak booze into a concert or music festival

8 items to help you sneak booze into a concert or music festival


Heading to a music festival anytime soon?  If you plan on having an adult beverage or two or ten, things might get pretty pricey – unless you are willing to break the rules and bring in your own hooch.  Here are some items to help you do just that.

1) Fake Suncreen Bottle


This sunscreen bottle holds no actual sunscreen – rather it has 8 ounces of room for the booze of your choice. Sure everyone might give you an odd look when you appear to be drinking SPF 30 suntan lotion, just tell them your tongue needs protection from the sun too.

It also might be hard to explain why someone with so much suntan lotion is so sunburnt.


2) Tampon Flasks

Tampon Flask to sneak booze into concerts and festivals

This is more an option for the ladies than the fellas.  Warning: security might get suspicious to find everyone in your group is on the same cycle.


3)Binoculars Flask


These binoculars give you 8 ounces per side for your liquor, but not much in the way of enhanced vision.


4) Fake Camera



This “camera” holds 5 ounces of liquid – but will probably send up red flags to security since, in this age of smartphones, no one carries a camera around anymore.


5) Tie Flask


This neckwear holds eight ounces of booze.  “But why are you dressing up for a concert?” security will probably ask.

“Because I dress for the job I want, not the job I have,” you reply.


6) Fake Dasani Water Bottle


This devious little contraption, according to its listing,  was made to be a “hidden safe for your valuables” – and right now those valuables are rum and more rum!


7) Flask Scarf


8 ounces of liquid can be stored in this “scarf” that comes in many different colors.  As they claim on the product description, “FlaskScarf is everything you need to get your drink on and look good doing it.”


8) The Beer Belly


This enhanced belly gives you 80 ounces of room for beverages but might get more than a few people telling you that you really should take up Crossfit.


Cheers and be safe by taking a cab, Lyft, or the shuttle.