Home Entertainment WTF 9-1-1 operator ignored emergency calls because she was ordering pizza

9-1-1 operator ignored emergency calls because she was ordering pizza


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The 9-1-1 emergency system is pretty amazing when you think about it. By dialing just 3 digits, you are instantly connected to a hub of services like fire, police, and paramedics. Whatever your emergency may be, they have someone who can help. But, it only works if the 9-1-1 operator actually picks up the damn phone – instead of saying ignoring calls to order some pizza.

Francis Francois, a Florida emergency operator, was on the job in September. During her shift, several 9-1-1 calls were missed – and all because she was too busy placing a lunch order for herself and some coworkers.

One of those missed calls was from Clearsight Opticians in Fort Lauderdale, where a man had fainted.

“He started to convulse, had a seizure, fell out of the exam chair,” Clearsight’s Jared Goodman told NBC 6. “I thought there would be more than one person answering the phone. I can’t believe there is just the one lady.”

Meanwhile, Francois was recorded placing her meal order:

In the recording of her call to the pizza place, Francois is heard placing multiple orders and checking the prices of the selections at some points.

“During this time frame, Ms. Francois failed to respond to the incoming 911 calls despite audible tones an visual alerts resulting in the 911 calls going unanswered and abandoned,” a Broward Sheriff’s Office report of the incident read.

The food order finally ended more than eight minutes later. The man who fainted eventually recovered and is alright.

Francois admitted during an investigation that she should have ended the lunch order and taken the emergency call – gee, you think? –  and was officially given a letter of reprimand.