Home Entertainment Movies Vince Vaughn Can Now Star in Your Next Powerpoint Presentation

Vince Vaughn Can Now Star in Your Next Powerpoint Presentation

Vince Vaughn Can Now Star in Your Next Powerpoint Presentation

Business fulfills each and every one of them
Spruce up your next presentation with a little Vince Vaughn all free of charge.

To help promote the new flick “Unfinished Business,” New Regency 20th Century Fox and iStock by Getty Images have released a series of free stock images featuring the film’s stars: Vince Vaughn, Tom Wilkinson and Dave Franco.

Business team enjoying victory

The first set of four free images are available now here with more on the way. And since anyone is free to use them (including this humble blogger), here are the other 2:

Successful applauding executives sitting at the table

Nothing left to chance - Business Strategy