Home Desert Life Local Media “Gina Lamont in Janets Apollo” is my new favorite local news team

“Gina Lamont in Janets Apollo” is my new favorite local news team

“Gina Lamont in Janets Apollo” is my new favorite local news team

KMIR is giving you a November to…ummm…gosh…ugh…oh well, I forgot. Whatever it is called, this Facebook post has made it pretty damn amazing.

KMIR Facebook

And no, this is not to knock anyone for typos, they happen, especially here at Cactus Hugs.

But, if you are going to have a typo make it a good one.  And this one is pretty damn great!

“Gina Lamont in Janets Appollo” are just the kind of news team that can give the KESQ duo of “Jan Right in Kareem Levine” and Local 2’s “Trish Lang in Broke Beardy” a run for their money come ratings time.