2016 might be going out with a bit of rain, according to the forecast.
After a chilly, by our standards, Christmas weekend, this week the Coachella Valley will warm back up into the 70s for daytime high temps, before dropping back down into the low 60s.
If you have outdoor plans for New Years Eve, be prepared for potential rain around the Greater Palm Springs area. #CAwx pic.twitter.com/knixFFMgMK
— Jeff Forgeron (@WeatherJefe) December 27, 2016
There is also a chance of some more of the wet stuff on the way, with the best chance being New Year’s Eve.
Palm Springs' New Year's Eve Night Forecast!
Expect chilly temps with the chance of showers on Saturday night.@KESQ pic.twitter.com/om8PdMrm5v— Jerry Steffen™ KESQ (@JerrySteffen) December 27, 2016
Already, this month has seen more rain than any December in the last six years making those La Niña forecasts about as accurate as the ones about El Niño.