This list ranks in descending order, from least favorite to most awesome, the top 15 toppings for a hot dog. This list is final, no appeals…no exchanges. Ketchup is nowhere on this list as ketchup should never be put on a hot dog for any reason ever – even if asked to do so at gunpoint.
15) Mayonnaise
14) Tomato
13) Cole Slaw
12) Cream Cheese (do not knock it until you have tried it)
11) Jalapenos
10) Sauerkraut
9) Sport Peppers
8) Pickle Spear
7) Raw Onion
6) Cheese
5) Grilled Onions
4) Bacon
3) Sweet relish
2) Chili
1) Mustard
You can leave a comment on Facebook if you disagree, but – as Dirt Harry explains below – if you mention ketchup, you are wrong