Since Monday’s flooding, Rio Del Sol and Varner in Thousand Palms has not been kind to drivers. Sure, the intersection appears to be filled with tons of mud and water – but that is not stopping people in all types of vehicles from trying to pass through.
Cactus Hugs reader Cameron DeMille captured driver after driver after driver getting stuck:
First there was this guy on Monday…
He was stuck pretty good…
Luckily, some nice people in a Jeep with a winch (along with some more nice people in a Jeep with a winch) were there to pull him out…
But he was not the last to attempt to cross this flooded intersection, a Mini Cooper (!) attempted to pass through – only to get stuck. A nice man in a large truck tried to save him, and he got stuck. Then there was that other truck (with a trailer) attempting a rescue them both…only to, you guessed it, also get stuck:
At some point, all of them must have been rescued in order for the roadway to be clear on Tuesday for yet another driver to attempt to cross…and get stuck!!!
And, even as that vehicle was still stuck, another driver attempts to get through the intersection. Guess what happened? Yup, they got stuck…
According to Cameron, crews were on the scene Tuesday afternoon to finally clear the intersection. But just to be sure, look carefully before trying to drive through it or any flooded road.
Big thanks to Cameron DeMille of MilleStone Marble and Tile for the news tip and pics. If you should ever see something you think would be rad for Cactus Hugs, just let us know on our Facebook, Twitter, or email: info at cactushugs dot com.