Home News California Trump is planning to come to California in March

Trump is planning to come to California in March

Trump is planning to come to California in March

Donald Trump, who today told the world that he would have singlehandedly stopped a mass shooting without even being armed, is coming to California and you’ll never guess why.

The San Diego Union Tribune reports that Trump will visit San Diego in mid-March to look at prototypes for that border wall he keeps talking about that some of us are starting to doubt Mexico is actually going to pay for.

Trump will then head into Los Angeles to attend a Republican National Committee fundraiser and, just a guess here, singlehandedly thwart multiple potential school shootings along the way.

California has been on the mind of Trump recently, as just last week, the President threatened to start a crime wave in the Golden State – which won’t help with the fact that two-thirds of Californians disapprove of the job he’s doing.