So, if you have been in Southern California for at least a year, you know that the Wednesday before Thanksgiving is is not a day you want to be on the freeways, which AAA believes will busier than any time in the last 10 years.
Over 4.2 million people in SoCal are expected to take a trip of 50 miles or more this coming weekend – with most of them, 3.6 million, taking the trip by car, according to KESQ. The busiest time is expected to be between 2:30 pm and 4:30 pm Wednesday.
If you are looking to not be stuck in traffic forever, it’s recommended you try to travel early Thursday morning or just do what you always do and call your folks and fake that you or one of your kids is sick.
Now sure, that means you’ll miss out on “reunion night” at your hometown bar, but you’re already Facebook friends with those people and seeing them in person is just going to remind you why you moved away from those people.