Aggressive panhandler is harassing Palm Springs shoppers: report


A man who Palm Springs business owners say is harassing them and potential customers can be seen on video aggressively confronting a man recording him on a public sidewalk.

“He broke my phone and then he kept saying hit me, hit me, like he wanted me to hit him so that he could have a case against me,” Douglas Nelson, who owns Great Shakes with his wife Patricia, told KMIR News.

Palm Springs Police told the tv station that they are aware of the man, Patrick Bradley, and that he has the ability to walk even though he allegedly claims to be a disabled veteran while panhandling.

Aggressive Panhandler Caught On Camera

#Viral: Have you come across this #PalmSprings panhandler? This instance crosses the line, at what point does the city intervene to make sure our streets stay safe?

Posted by KMIR News on Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The department says that businesses may be able to obtain restraining orders to keep Bradley away from their stores.

You can see more about this story at KMIR News.