Home Cactus Hugs Here are the answers to some FAQ we get here at Cactus Hugs

Here are the answers to some FAQ we get here at Cactus Hugs

Here are the answers to some FAQ we get here at Cactus Hugs

At Cactus Hugs, we get a few questions asked of us more than others. So, here are those answers.

Q: I saw a cool thing that I think you should know about.  How do I send it?

A: You can do that many ways, which we go over here and thank you in advance for contributing to what will surely be the most popular story we have ever had.  Seriously though, sometimes it’s easy to assume that we know about everything going on.  In reality, we know nothing, Jon Snow -and all of your tips, pics, press releases, etc. are appreciated (even if we don’t end up using them).

Q: Why do you call it “Greater Palm Springs” instead of the “Coachella Valley” in some of your articles?

A: As Cactus Hugs is a web site on the Internet, we sometimes have to write the way the Internet demands. Very few people search for “Coachella Valley” on the Google machine , while many more search for “Palm Springs” – and that’s just how it is, yo. If I could, I would go back in time and just make this place one medium sided city called Palm Springs instead of nine thousand little ones that we have now, but it is what it is, my friend.

Q: You mostly post about local things in the desert, but sometimes I see stories that happened somewhere else, why?

A: Our focus is definitely on the Greater Palm Springs area, but not always. Is there a particular reason why something from out of town might come up?  No.  Nothing in particular.  Sometimes, it just seems appropriate.  We might be right or we might be wrong – but, as a reminder, if you see something you don’t think will interest you, you are not required to click on it or read it. You should anyway, but you don’t have to.

Q: Someone was a jerk to me in the Facebook comments section of your page, what should I do?

A: First, sorry that happened.  Second, we try to monitor that stuff the best we can – but we also don’t spend all day every day policing the comments – so, if someone has done or said something you think is inappropriate, please let us know so we can investigate and, if needed, take action.

Q: Your website looks really weird or broken.  Why?

A: The Internet is an asshole sometimes.  That’s why!  If you see something, say something and we will try to get it fixed ASAP.

Q: I love your page, how can I support it?

A: Thanks.  You flatter.  We do our best and we appreciate your continued support, clicks, shares, and comments.

Q: Can I advertise my business on Cactus Hugs?

A: Yes.  It’s the only form of advertising you will ever need from now on.  It’s that good.  Seriously though, we will work with you to find a plan that fits with your goals and needs.  Just send us a message to get started.

Q: Whiskey, neat or rocks?

A: Rocks.  Always rocks.