Ask Clare: My neighbor’s furry ass dog is ruining my apartment’s pool

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I live in a complex with just six apartments that have a common pool. There is a dude with a furry ass dog who sheds like crazy. He lets his dog swim in the pool almost every day. I really want to take advantage of the pool this summer but I am covered in dog hair every time I go in. It’s pretty disgusting. Am I out of my mind here? Since when is this acceptable behavior for a shared pool?
– No doggie paddle

No doggie paddle,

You’re entitled to feel grossed out and peeved that your neighbor is being inconsiderate. Lord knows, a dip in the pool this time of year can really make a difference. Tell the manager/owner that there is always dog hair in the pool and that you’ve seen the guy from Unit D at the pool with his dog. The poor pooch may lose out but hopefully his human will buy him an inflatable pool to cool off in. Keep in mind that pups rank higher than people to many in Palm Springs.
– Clare



It’s so hot! Why do we live here?
– Desert dweller

Desert dweller,

Summer days over 120 degrees in Palm Springs have me asking myself the same question. It’s a very philosophical one. Frankly, I think we’re all harboring a little bit of self-loathing.
– Clare



I knew it was going to be disgustingly hot and I was supposed to be out and about at work. I called out sick and then ran into my boss’s wife as I was enjoying a late breakfast at Sherman’s Deli. I am panicking. I don’t know if she told him that she saw me. I bet it will come up though. Is there anything I can say proactively to save my skin?
– Melt day

Melt day,

If he asks, tell your boss you saw his wife at breakfast after your doctor’s appointment. There’s nothing like matzo ball soup to make you feel better on a 120-degree day. Good luck getting out of that one.
– Clare