Home Local Indio Avenue 44 has reopened in Indio

Avenue 44 has reopened in Indio

Avenue 44 has reopened in Indio

After experience heavy damage in that Valentine’s Day Storm From Hell earlier this year, a section of Avenue 44 in Indio has reopened top traffic.

That section of Avenue 44, along the Whitewater Storm Channel, experienced heavy damage and a 24″ waterline had to be repaired by the Indio Water Authority before street repairs could commence. City staff were able to acquire a majority of the $312,000 funding from the Federal Highway Administration to rebuild the road, according to a press release from the city of Indio.

The City has been developing a long-term plan to construct a permanent bridge over the storm channel. The construction of the permanent bridge will likely begin in about three years, taking 18 months to complete.