Home Desert Life Holidays Awesome Halloween Light Display Shut Down in Riverside

Awesome Halloween Light Display Shut Down in Riverside

Awesome Halloween Light Display Shut Down in Riverside

halloween house

UPDATE: Things are back up and running!

The awesome synchronized Halloween light show on a home in Riverside has been shut down.

The Press Enterprise reports that shortly after Sunday night’s show began, police dispatchers received two calls from neighbors complaining about noise and traffic.

The callers claimed more than 1,000 people were blocking the road, vehicles were parked on the grass and pedestrians were standing on lawns. (note: Riverside is now becoming known for one person ruining things for everyone)

Kevin Judd, the man behind the 12,000-light show, said police told him that he was in violation of the municipal noise ordinance and shut the whole thing down.

The owner of the home, Mark Betty said he wished that anyone who was bothered would have come to him first so they could have worked something out – but of course they didn’t because people are assholes.

Luckily, no one in Riverside has complained about these videos, so until they do, you can watch what this year’s shows were like…

“Jump Around”

