Home Entertainment WTF Awful HOA Denies Playhouse For 6-Year-Old Girl Battling Cancer

Awful HOA Denies Playhouse For 6-Year-Old Girl Battling Cancer


Homeowner Associations are, as a rule, awful. In The Coachella Valley, we have seen how easily a HOA meeting can descend into violence. Meanwhile, in Missouri an HOA is showing it’s evil side in another way: by denying a 6-year-old girl battling cancer her wish of a playhouse in her yard.

When The Make-A-Wish Foundation asked Ella Schultz of Raymore what her wish was, she responded that she wanted a playhouse in her backyard. This was something that the foundation was happy to make happen, until the awful HOA got in the way.

The Stone Gate Homeowner’s Association turned down the plans for the backyard claiming a structure in the backyard would go against the “neighborhood’s covenants”. When told that her playhouse could not be built, Ella broke out in tears.

As KCTV reports, Ella’s neighbors have no problem with the structure being built.

Stone Gate residents said they were troubled by the denial. One man said he would be more upset if he didn’t see Ella play in her backyard than the sight of a large playhouse for her.

“Little Ella is darling,” Stone Gate resident Brett Greble said. “I think they need to reconsider… I want to look out my window and see Ella happy.”

Those supporting #SaveEllasWish are decorating their mail boxes and front porches with the color green.

Since news of Ella broke, support has grown across the country – with one man in Arizona even offering to pay any fines imposed by the HOA.

If you would like to help Ella and her family with their medical bills, you can visit this GoFundMe page.

(H/T Uproxx)