[media-credit name=”Flickr: @sage_solar” align=”aligncenter” width=”300″][/media-credit]Early Friday morning was not the best time to be a pole anywhere near a Palm Springs road. First, at 1:55am, a car hit a power pole on Gene Autry Trail south of Mesquite Avenue. An accident that The Desert Sun reports was pretty bad:
The driver ran away and the car burst into flames, causing all lanes to shut down for 90 minutes, according to police.
And 5 minutes later, another car overturned on Indian Canyon Drive near Tamarisk after hitting a wall, a tree, and a light pole. The driver was taken to Desert Regional with minor injuries.
Police say alcohol may have been a factor in the second crash and ask you to call them if you have any information on either crash. Also, if you are a pole, just watch the fuck out for cars!