Home Entertainment Animals Video: flying bat wreaks havoc at Desert Sun offices

Video: flying bat wreaks havoc at Desert Sun offices


D Sun Bat

Thursday, in what might have been a guerilla marketing campaign for the new Batman vs Superman movie, The Desert Sun newspaper had a visit from an unwanted guest: a flying bat. Luckily, reporters of the paper were able to stop working on bighorn sheep porn long enough to document it and, more importantly, catch the flying rodent.

Video is below, but first the details from The Desert Sun:

The small brown bat found its way into the building at some point Thursday, perhaps looking to pick up a copy of Wednesday’s paper, when it found itself turned around.

Sorry guys, nobody under 70 reads the printed version of newspapers anymore – and that bat is not 70.

The sight of a bat flapping around the newsroom caused a little panic and a lot of ducking.

Others offered sympathy for the confused bat, naming him/her Stellaluna after the famous literary bat.

Don’t worry, I had to look up Stellaluna too.

Eventually, one brave staff member was able to capture the bat in a small trash can and release it outside to the applause of everyone else.

Phew…but, ummmm, they didn’t know the name of their own heroic staff member?  Weird.

At the end of the day, let’s hope the flying dude was hired by The Desert Sun. He would be a great writer since he really nows his alphabat.

Anyhoo, here is the video (which you may have to click here to see on your phone because The Desert Sun’s videos hate mobile devices):