What kind of tip did Bernie Sanders leave at Las Casuelas?

Bernie at VillageFest (Facebook)

Senator Bernie Sanders, like many 74-year-olds, decided to spend some time in the Coachella Valley this week. The Presidential candidate stayed at Two Bunch Palms, strolled around Village Fest, and grabbed a bite at Las Casuelas. But, what kind of tipper is the self-proclaimed socialist?

Now, thanks to KMIR who spoke to Las Casuelas GM Patrick Service, we know:

“He had the spicy pork fajitas with the spice turned down a little bit … He’s a good tipper, yes he is,” replied Service.

The non-spicy makes sense (he likely didn’t want to #FeelTheHeartBurn) – and as for the tip, it was probably Bernie’s subtle way of saying the restaurant should pay its employees higher wages.