Home Cactus Hugs Cactus Hugs is working much better now (probably)

Cactus Hugs is working much better now (probably)



Yeah, so, ummmmm, sorry about the past couple of days.

Cactus Hugs had a bit of a bug that was causing some problems when viewing the website and I am really sorry about that.  I won’t bore you with the details, just know that some people on the in the darkest parts of the internet just really suck sometimes.

It would appear – after many hours of yelling, a few beers, a few tears, and forking over some cash to computer nerds experts – that things are (probably) all worked out now. If not, please let me know with a message on Facebook, Twitter, or here – and, if you wish (and are awesome), you can help by kicking in a couple of bucks to help pay off the nerds here.

I am excited about some new things at Cactus Hugs – and I hope you will like them too.  The site moved to a new, faster server last month and just this week, added a system to make it even easier for you to share articles with your friends (on the left for you guys on desktop, at the top of the article for those of you on mobile).

I appreciate all of your support of Cactus Hugs.  Thank you so much for reading and commenting.  Thank you for sharing the articles.  And thank you for clicking on every ad you see 😉

Seriously, you guys are the best and I appreciate it.

Thank you,

