Home Cactus Hugs Cactus Hugs needs your help this weekend

Cactus Hugs needs your help this weekend


Well, well, well. Here we are again. It’s festival season in the Coachella Valley and that means that we are in for plenty of entertainment, surprises, and WTF moments.

Now, we at Cactus Hugs would like to share as much as possible of what’s going on in the desert during Coachella, which is only possible with your help.

You’re a cool person (obviously) and you know when you see something amazing, newsworthy, ridiculous, etc. – so if you should happen to see it, read about it, or create it, well let us know about it!!!

You can send a message on Facebook or email or tweet or whatever (here’s how), doesn’t really matter. We are not everywhere, but you are. So please, give us a hand in covering Coachella the way it should be covered (you can remain anonymous if you wish or send a link to your Instagram or YouTube to get more followers…doesn’t matter to us).

Whatever you are doing this weekend, we hope it is amazing.  And thank you for your continued support of Cactus Hugs.