Home Weather Drought California’s Drought Has Already Killed 12.5 Million Trees

California’s Drought Has Already Killed 12.5 Million Trees



The drought in California is a mass murderer!

12.5 million trees have had their lives claimed by the drought already in the state, according to The LA Times, and experts say it is probably going to get much worse.   Our only hope: the drought going all “Jinx” and confessing in a bathroom…or rain.  Rain would work too.

Experts say that even with millions of trees already dead because of the lack of water in California, things could get even worse.  “It is almost certain that millions more trees will die over the course of the upcoming summer as the drought situation continues and becomes ever more long term,” biologist Jeffrey Moore told The LA Times.

But, the trees are not just dying off because of lack of water.  The dreaded bark beetle is flourishing in the drought, as the trees’ natural defense against them is their sticky resin – and the drought is not giving trees enough water to produce enough of the resin to fight off the beetle .

And the state’s lack of water and all of all these dead trees could lead to what could be a potentially disastrous fire season.  So there is also that.

It is going to be a very long summer in California.