Home Local Cathedral City Cathedral City approves huge marijuana facility

Cathedral City approves huge marijuana facility

Cathedral City approves huge marijuana facility

A new, gigantic cannibas cultivation center has been approved by Cathedral City.

A conditional use permit was approved for the 500,000 square foot center and Sunniva Inc., the company building the facility located near the intersection of Ramon and Date Palm, expects to break ground by the end of this month.

“Cathedral City is excited that we were chosen as the location for a $54 million Sunniva Incorporated medical cannabis cultivation facility,” Chris Parman the communications manager for Cathedral City told KMIR. “This goes to help pay for our police and fire departments, our roads, our bridges and obviously our community parks as well,” Parman said. He said the marijuana campus will generate $5 to $10 million in tax revenue each year.

In a video about the project, Sunniva Cheif Operating Officer Duncan Gordon says that the facility would produce 260,000 pounds of cannabis every year and would employ 195 people.

The facility is expected to create 185 full-time positions, ranging from skilled to semi-skilled jobs, notes KESQ.  Sunniva has budgeted for an average wage of $22 and hour and all employees will receive full medical benefits.

But not everyone is happy with the facility. Some have complained it will bring an increase in traffic to the area and a Michael Hodgson, who lives in the area, told KMIR he is worried about the odor.

“I’m a little concerned if there might be a smell coming from the place because we are down wind and if that’s going to be a problem, that would be a problem,” he said.