Home Local Cathedral City Cathedral City on track to become 1st official sanctuary city in the Coachella Valley

Cathedral City on track to become 1st official sanctuary city in the Coachella Valley

Cathedral City on track to become 1st official sanctuary city in the Coachella Valley
(Google Maps)

It appears that Cathedral City will soon be an official sanctuary city.

Hundreds of cities, counties, and states have made the move to limit cooperation with the federal immigration enforcement rules of the Trump Administration. Via The Desert Sun:

During a study session last week, the City Council discussed the proposition, took impassioned public testimony and directed city staff to put the item on the next council meeting agenda for a vote. The measure would likely pass unanimously as all five council members spoke in favor of it previously.

Despite a request from the mayor to refrain from cheering and clapping, each of the 24 people who gave public comment was applauded at the end of their comments. Some recited scripture passages and asked council to “respect and protect” the dignity of the city’s residents.

Many others talked about the impact that the fear of deportation had on communities, keeping families and children from going to work or school and accessing healthcare.

Donald Trump and many Republicans say sanctuary cities allow criminals to go free and commit crimes, instead of being deported, notes the New York Times. While many law enforcement officials say they do not want the job of enforcing federal immigration laws – with many saying that they rely on immigrants to come forward and report crimes.

Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck said in March that reports of sexual assault among the city’s Latino population dropped 25% this year due to the fear of speaking to authorities, reports the LA Times.

“Imagine, a young woman, imagine your daughter, your sister, your mother … not reporting a sexual assault, because they are afraid that their family will be torn apart,” Beck said.

During the council meeting, Mayor Stan Henry said it was not clear yet if the measure would be presented as an ordinance (a law) or a resolution (which would not be legally binding).