Home Desert Life Cathedral City Christmas Day 2014 appears to have been a wild one in Cathedral City

Christmas Day 2014 appears to have been a wild one in Cathedral City

Christmas Day 2014 appears to have been a wild one in Cathedral City

The last week has felt like a year and so it was nice that the Cathedral City Police Department took a moment to distract us all from the stressful news of the day to reminisce about what appears to have been a hell of a Christmas in 2014 for one particular individual.

There aren’t many details given here – though “drugs” is mentioned, so there’s that.  Also a picture is worth a thousand words, so I will just stop typing and allow you the pleasure of taking in the post:

The nude dude was arrested.  No other details were given – and, at this point, they weren’t necessary.  Also, please, Cathedral City Police Department, give the person running your social media a big raise because we all needed this right now.